Eco School

Here at Martenscroft Nursery School and Children’s Centre we have passionately taken on the Eco-Schools program and have embedded it into our every day teaching and learning.   We have achieved a bronze award and a silver award and we are now working towards becoming a Green Flag School.


Our children and staff have continuously worked in school and the community since 2018.

We have been:

  • Litter picking

  • Gardening

  • Planting, growing, nurturing and harvesting fruit and vegetables

  • Recycling

  • Saving energy

  • Looking after our school grounds and attracting wild animals and insects

We have recently taken part in ‘30 days wild’ In June from The Wildlife Trusts.  We took our learning outside where we did lots of activities around the topic of nature and wildlife.  The vision was to provide opportunities for every child to experience wildlife and nature in their daily lives.

In the classrooms we provide recyclable objects for many different reasons; Role play, Junk modelling and construction. This is to model how objects can be re-purposed, reused and recycled and don’t have one single use.  

Every year we take part in ‘The Great British Spring Clean’ where we go out into the community litter picking and making Hulme a much cleaner place to live.

If you would like to be involved in our Eco work, or have any ideas to offer, please contact our reception.


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