Cherry Blossom
Babies - Early Explorers (5 Months - 18 Months)
Our light and spacious environment in Chery Blossom offers endless opportuntiies for exploration and sensory play. The Cherry Blossom team are experts in supporting your child to learn new skills. We provide excellent care for all of our children, but recognise that with our youngest children that our daily timetable needs to be flexible and adaptable to meet the needs of all the children. We ensure that unique, personal care experiences enable positive relationships to be formed. Playing and exploring can be exhausting for developing brains, that is why we ensure there is plenty of opportnutieis to recharge throughout the day.
Apple Blossom
Toddlers - Explorers (18 Months - 2 and a Half Years Old)
As your child learns to walk and talk they become much more confident to explore the world around them. They begin to play alongside eachother and thrive in open spaces that promote challenge and curiosity. The Apple Blossom team are experts at developing language and nuturing individual charcters. We value each child as an individual and personalise their learning journeys to promote independence and uniqueness. We support social and emotional development in an open ended environment, alongside introducing group time where we share stories and sing rhymes.
Orange Blossom
Toddlers - Identifers (2 and a Half Year olds - 3 Years Old)
When your child is at the stage where their language is developing at an increased rate and they begin to be able tune into the world around them, they will move into our Orange Blossom room. The Orange Blossom team are experts in providing learning opportunities that engage and inspire children to be inquisitive about their learning journey. They support your child to start toilet training and learn to develop social interactions with one another. Group time through adult inspired activties increases, to match your child's attention ability. They begin to identify how our world works and make ordinary experiences, extraordinary learning opportunities.
Pre School Nursery Class - Explainers (3 and 4 Years Old)
With growing confidence, langauge and understanding your child will enter our Willow Room and begin explaining knowledge in their learning experiences. Your child will spend their final year with us getting ready for their school journey ahead. They will begin to make connections in their experiences and learning opportunities. You will watch friendships blossom in their final chapter with us and be amazed at how much your child has grown in confidence. Our Willow Team are experts at ensuring the children have acquired secure foundations for their future learning journey, as well personalising each child's learning opportunities to support their individual needs. Through inspiring and engaging focused sessions, the children will beging learning more about phonics and maths. They will apply these skills when learning through play, deepending their imagination and being active learners.